Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Solar Panels

I have been looking at panels, specifications and possible mounting locations for a solar panel installation for over a year.  Last week on July 23 I finally ordered 4 panels from Renogy Solar of 300 watts output each.  I also ordered 4 enphase microinverters, enphase cabling and a mounting rail system from various eBay vendors.  
I went on the roof early at 8 AM before the sun heat up the asphalt which would make it too hot to work with.
First stage was to mount the railing feet under the  asphalt shingles.

Mounting Feet with Mounting Rail Attached
The Mounting feet are screwed into a roof rafter and sealed with silicon sealer. The rails are mounted to the feet with stainlss steel hardware.

Completed Rails Mounted to the Mounting Feet

1 comment:

  1. Hello Sir,

    I was wondering if you could email me eugene.telles@unitedrf.com or call me on my cell 719-271-9288.

